Saturday, July 09, 2011


As I've mentioned in the past I am a Graphic Designer by trade. I was laid off in December 2010 while on maternity leave with S (yeah pretty crappy company right?) Then I unexpectedly got pregnant with E, so even though I was actively looking for a job, I knew I wasn't going to get one.

Well folks, now that E is 7 months old (and S is 20 months - where is the time going?) I have finally found a job. It seems to be a perfect opportunity for me to learn and grow into a leadership role and for my family. I will only be working part-time so between the hubs, my parents, and I we will rotate childcare and the kids will not have to go to daycare. Cha-Ching!!!! This really is a win-win for everyone. I get to enter back into the work force, into a field I love, and have some adult interaction and a purpose other than as a mommy, we will have some extra income (that won't have to go directly to a daycare provider), and I still get a few days off a week to be with my babies :)

The other big change happening in our lives is in an entirely different area. After several months of consideration I have decided our family is going to start cloth diapering. I discussed it with the hubs and he didn't care either way so we're going to do it. I am tired of the money we are spending on disposables, and the costs just keep rising and rising. It's really ridiculous what we spend on a monthly basis for something that just gets thrown in the trash. Now cloth diapering can be expensive also, at least for the initial start up. I was fortunate to find a more cost effective way by purchasing a brand manufactured in China off eBay. In addition, a friend of mine is sewing some cloth diapers for me. So for roughly $5 a diaper I have generated a nice beginner stash. It feels good to be helping the environment, saving some cash (it should be about $2500 in the next 1.5 years), and let's be honest, those diapers are absolutely adorable!!!!

And since I haven't posted in a while, I'll include a quick update about the kids and a few pictures. As I mentioned above S is 20 months old. He talking more and more everyday. He says some advanced words like "applesauce", "monkey", "shoes",  "scrambled eggs" and some less advanced words like "cheese", "juice", etc. He's recently gotten very interested in brushing his teeth. He wants to do it several times a day, so we let him (most of the time there isn't any toothpaste on the brush but he doesn't know that). He's almost grown out of the "chew on everything phase" thank goodness. That phase seemed to last way.too.long. He has started to identify pictures with words/names. If you ask him to show you the kitty, he will flip through his little plastic ring toy and show you the kitty. He can do this with the dog and pig also (those are the only three things on the rings). He still loves to read and often sits in a chair or on the floor paging through a book over and over.

 He is ALL boy and LOVED climbing that tree.
Don't worry, Daddy was right next to him so he couldn't fall.

E is 7 months old now and is changing fast. She's rolling all over the place and starting to challenge herself by stretching and grabbing things just out of her reach. She is sitting unsupported, some times. She will get excited and get straight and fall over. I think it's only a matter of time before she's doing it consistently. We upgraded her from an infant carrier to a convertible car seat. She weighs 19 pounds and is almost 29" long, she was outgrowing the infant carrier and fast. She's much more comfortable in the convertible and it makes being in the car with her much more enjoyable. She's also found her voice and likes to tell stories. I'm sure if I could understand what she was saying those stories would be very interesting. Boy does she sure love to swim. We have a plastic baby pool and we put just a small amount of water in it and lay her down flat and she kicks her arms and legs like she's swimming laps. She smiles and giggles and just keeps kicking!

Look at her sitting like a big girl! 

Summer has been good so far, aside for some roof damage we had from a storm last week. We're taking a big family camping trip in a few weeks. I'm really excited for all of us to get to spend some time with family we don't see often and also, my immediate family, spending time together having fun and creating memories.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new job, Michelle!! And how great is it that you won't have to pay for daycare?? I remember horribly expensive it was and I just had one baby!!

    The kids are getting so big!! And oh they are so cute. :-) And look at E... before you know it, she's gonna be mobile, too. Ooooh boy, you're gonna be an even more tired mama when that day comes!! :-)
