S turned 15 months on Friday and continues to amaze me everyday. He has been walking for 4 months now but is climbing more and more everyday. He sleeps in a crib still but we have a twin bed in his room for guests. Today I found him dragging his Playskool Fire Truck from one side of the room to the other, put it in front of the twin bed and used it to climb onto the bed, then bounce up and down on his butt with a gigantic smile on his face.
He is very mischievous and proud of himself when he accomplishes his desired task (as you can see in the picture). He is "talking" more and more and we can actually understand some of the words he is saying. He has also started eating with a spoon but doesn't really understand the whole putting more food on the spoon part of it, but we are working on that.
He is turning into such a toddler and has developed a bit of a temper. We have already started seeing 2 year old behavior and find it hard not to laugh when he has a full out temper tantrum with arms flailing and legs kicking. I'm sure as it continues to happen it will get less and less cute, but for now it's really funny.

E is 7 weeks old today and has changed so much already. She is still a chunker, over 13 pounds already, and is very long, 22.75 inches. She has brown hair and blue eyes (we think, they are still changing but they are much bluer than S's ever were). She is smiling and holding her head up and really very strong. She eats 6 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day and sleeps 9 hours straight at night. We are thrilled to be blessed with 2 great sleepers but sure we will pay for it at some time, like when we have to wake them up for school.
We're almost the same! My two boys are 15months apart... It's a crazy crazy experience!
ReplyDeleteMatthew was always a great sleeper, too, and I have to say I have never had an issue waking him up for school. Of course, he is only in Kindergarten, so you can't exactly call me an expert on the matter, lol...