How often do you take the time to count your blessings? I think it's normal, and probably easier, to dwell on the negative. I know I personally forget how lucky I am for everything I've been blessed with. I dwell on how much time my husband is away for work, or on not having enough money. I dwell on not losing enough weight, or not having the latest style of clothes, or shoes. I see other women and wish I had their hair, or clothes, or could rock that headband or pair of glasses like she does. I wish my house was decorated cuter, or bigger, or cleaner. (I know I can make it cleaner but I have 2 kids under 15 months, it's not always a priority).
The reality is everyone wants things they don't have. A full time working mommy wants to spend more time with her kids and a stay-at-home-mommy wants more time to herself. We rarely look at what we have and just appreciate it. Every once and a while I just step back, look at my life and feel grateful. Even though I was laid off from my job over a year ago, and it was devastating at the time, I was given the greatest gift ever. The gift of time. Time to enjoy my beautiful babies everyday. Time to play games, and read books. Time to give S baths with lots of splashing and time to cuddle and sing to E while she falls asleep. I'm the one that gets to give E her tummy time and teach S how to eat from silverware. I GET to, not HAVE to, do all of these things. Although I don't have everything I think I want, and things don't always turn out how you plan them, I know I have everything I need. Quoting the movie Hope Floats "my cup runneth over".
Amen sister.