Over the past two months we've had a lot going on. I started my new job, and even though I'm only working three days a week, it's still been a big adjustment. I love working. I love the interaction with adults and using skills I am trained for. I knew I missed working but I didn't realize how much until I started working again. Two of the days S & E are home with daddy. The third day they go to an in-home preschool/daycare. They both love learning and playing with other kids and are really thriving.
S is almost 23 months old now and we have started planning his 2nd birthday party. We are having a monkey theme party this year. It's only appropriate considering he carries his "bebe" (that's what he calls his monkey) with him constantly. He is speaking two to three word sentences now and his vocabulary is getting larger and larger everyday. He can identify 7 body parts, including his favorite, his toes. 6 pictures by name, including dog, kitty, bunny, etc. He has also just started counting to five. This is still very new so he gets caught up on four sometimes but he's doing very well. He is strong and solid weighing 28 pounds and is 33 inches tall. He's built just like his daddy, long torso and short legs. D is hoping he'll use that to his advantage when he plays football.
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S, 22 months old. |
E is 9 months old now and seems to have changed from an infant to a toddler overnight. She is army crawling...everywhere. That girl can slither with some serious speed. She's started pulling herself to standing and cruising the furniture. Not a full on cruise, just mostly up and down the couch. It's adorable to see her eyes peaking over the side rail of her crib waiting for us to get her in the morning or after naps. It won't surprise me one bit if she's walking before her first birthday, or sooner. She's talking some, Mama and Dada are her favorites. She's starting to transition from baby food to table food and sister is loving it. She will turn her head away when trying to feed her baby food and show her dislike but bring on that table food and she'll gobble it up. She even tries to steal food from S's plate. She's still large for her age, 21 pounds and 28 inches tall and wearing 12 month clothes. She has a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh that will melt your heart when you hear it.
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E, 9 months old. |
Last weekend we had family pictures taken (some shown above). We had pictures taken when S was 19 months and E was 3 months but we didn't do a family portrait then, we only got individual pictures and a group shot of both kids. The pictures turned out awesome and I'm thrilled to finally have a picture of the four of us together.
I know I am biased, but I think my kids are adorable...so here are few more pictures of them.