My husband works a lot of hours and long shifts. So when he leaves for work, it's not uncommon for him to be gone 48+ hours. This was a normal week, he left for work Thursday morning and I didn't expect him home until Saturday morning. No big deal, I do it every week. Except he came home Saturday morning with the flu. This meant that my 48 hours of single parenthood was about to became 96+ hours of single parenthood. I knew he couldn't help being sick but I was also looking forward to my "me" time. And even more important, S & E were VERY much looking forward to "daddy" time.
So Saturday and Sunday came and went. We all missed Daddy but we carried on as normal without him. D was feeling betting on Monday so he crawled out of bed and spent time with us before he had to head back off to work that evening.
S apparently didn't feel like Daddy spent enough time with him. He started screaming and crying at the top of his lungs. Every time he does this it gets E going and she starts screaming and crying too. In addition to missing Daddy, both of them were getting colds (as was I). They were completely inconsolable, and I didn't know which one to try to console first. I was like a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth between the two. Hugging them and rocking them both didn't do it. I didn't know what else to I started singing.
I just started belting out "This Little Light Of Mine". I sang and sang and sang. You know what? It worked. Both kids stopped crying and just stared at me like I was totally wacko. I'm sure they both thought Mommy totally lost it. And you know what, had I not started singing, I just might have.